Turbomachinery Lab Machinery Vibrations and Rotordynamics Short Course

December 13, 2018

January 7-11, 2019 | Houston, Texas | 3.0 CEU or 30 PHD

The Machinery Vibrations and Rotordynamics short course offers a practical approach to understanding basic vibration theory and using it to solve mechanical vibration problems in the field. Rotordynamics terminology in common use will be defined and explained, including critical speeds, critical speed inversion, unbalance response and rotordynamic instability.

Who should attend?
The course is designed to benefit both young engineers and veterans who want to freshen their skills and learn about what practices are helping others achieve success.The course offers concepts and techniques for engineers involved in design, operation and maintenance of rotating equipment. Participants should have experience with rotating machinery and a bachelor’s degree or equivalent knowledge of basic college-level mathematics.

Dr. Dara W. Childs – Retired, Texas A&M Turbo Lab Director
Dr. Adolfo Delgado – Texas A&M Professor
Dr. Luis San Andres – Texas A&M Professor
Dr. Fouad Zeidan – Independent consultant, former president/owner of KMC Bearings, Plus, Inc.

Sign me up!

January sneaking up on you? Register now for Centrifugal Compressor Operations or Rotordynamics, March 18-21.

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