Subsea Compressors Reach Field-Proven Status

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August 07, 2017

The two subsea compression systems by MAN Diesel & Turbo (MAN) installed and operating at the Statoil’s Åsgard gas field, Norway, have officially reached the highest Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 7, with both compressor trains surpassing 10,000 operating hours. According to MAN, the subsea facility operated by Statoil registered an availability close to 100% since operation began.

The two MAN 15,400 hp (11.5 MW) HOFIM motor-compressors have been adapted according to an extremely robust motor-compressor design in order to withstand the harsh conditions of subsea environments. The units feature a tailored motor design, casings designed for 3200 psi (220 bar), a 7-axes active magnetic bearing system and a special cooling gas extraction. They have been installed subsea in cooperation with contractor Aker Solutions.

The team behind the Åsgard subsea compressor technology has received the Underwater Technology Foundation (UTF) Subsea Award last June. Key individuals within Statoil Norway and MAN Diesel & Turbo in Zurich, Switzerland, have been awarded for their dedicated work during the joint development project and for today’s results.

For more on the Åsgard project, check out the video below. To read more about the HOFIM compressors in the August/September issue of COMPRESSORtech2. For a FREE subscription, click here

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