Moving At The Speed Of Technology – Take Five With Pier Parisi

Premium Content

March 02, 2020

Pier Parisi’s career path gave him a front-row seat to the technological advancements of the natural gas industry. He spent the earlier part of his career with Bently Nevada and GE before joining Dover and, currently, Apergy.

In September 2019, Compressor Product International (CPI) and Windrock, an Apergy company, began a commercial partnership, allowing the two companies to collaborate on monitoring and analytical technology (see COMPRESSORTECH2, November 2019, p. 23).

The two companies have flagship devices built on the premise of monitoring, predicting and preventing equipment failures. CPI has Proflo EOS, a lubrication monitoring system for reciprocating compressors and Windrock has Spotlight, which monitors the health of compression equipment.

With the recent partnership and the plethora of technology around him, COMPRESSORTECH2 spoke with Pier Parisi, vice president of business
development, digital, Apergy, on how he views the rapid technological changes in the industry.

How is the new partnership working out between CPI and Windrock?

We are off to a great start. There has been an immediate positive response from several customers, some of whom placed initial orders within weeks of the announced partnership.

Click here to read the full story.

This story first appeared in the March 2020 issue of COMPRESSORTECH2. We only publish a fraction of our magazine content online, so for more great content, get every issue in your inbox/mailbox and access to our digital archives with a free subscription. Click here for a new subscription or here to renew your current subscription.

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