Galileo enables RNG from Wisconsin dairy farm
September 30, 2022
A Wisconsin dairy farm can supply up to 300 scf/m of renewable natural gas compressed at 3600 psi into natural gas pipelines after Galileo Technologies designed, installed and commissioned upgrade boxes at the facility.
The Microbox-Bio station was installed at Liberty Dairy Farm project in Wisconsin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp.
“Our Microbox-Bio units upgrade and compress biogas obtained from manure at two dairy farms owned by Liberty in Wisconsin. The first one was installed in November on a farm that houses 1,700 dairy cows, and the second one is processing the waste from a herd of 2500 cattle,” Galileo said.
Because these units were designed for 300 scfm throughput, they are able to operate down to a 30-40% turndown. They yield an exceptional quality product gas, at 99.9% methane with a negligible methane slip, at an average of 800 ppm.
“Farm-based RNG projects offer dairy farmers the opportunity to meaningfully contribute to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as provide a valuable source of additional revenues. Liberty strives to work closely with dairies in the planning phase to ensure the project development and operation can be integrated into the existing farm operations with minimal impact,” said Tom West, Director of Business Development at Liberty.
“Agricultural activity is responsible for 24% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. If we are to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, small family farms in the United States have a key role to play, as they account for 90% of the country’s farms and 49% of the land with full biomass energy potential. At Galileo we strive to make modular solutions that can be installed in smaller applications, spreading the potential for RNG all over the world, from every source to every consumer,” said Rick Costigliolo, executive of Galileo Technologies.
Galileo said its units are modular and scalable and can be used to produce, distribute compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, renewable natural gas and hydrogen. Algonquin Power & Utilities Corp., the parent company of Liberty, is a diversified international generation, transmission, and distribution utility with over $17 billion of total assets.