EFRC offering PhD grant

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New initiative to foster innovation in reciprocating compressor industry

The European Forum for Reciprocating Compressors (EFRC) is offering a grant to support PHD research in an effort to foster innovation in the reciprocating compressor industry.

The grant is worth up to 75,000 euros for a total of four years.

Parties interested in applying for the grant must be compliant with the following conditons:

  • The applying party must be an accredited University
  • The applying party must be an EFRC member. If the applying party was not an EFRC member at the time of application and the proposal was to be awarded the grant, the applying party shall become an EFRC member prior to the signature of the contract.
  • The applying party may submit more than one application
  • Each application shall be embodied in the attached Research Proposal template.
  • The grant is only open for those parties invited to submit applications directly by a Member of the EFRC Board, or the EFRC Office Manager or the Head of the EFRC R&D Working Group.
  • The selected PhD candidate must be physically present in the 2×/year R&D WG meetings where the progress is discussed. Failure to comply with this condition shall result in the withdrawal of the grant.

For more information, contact: contact@recip.org.

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