Cook Compression names service partner
April 30, 2024
Will serve Scandinavia

Cook Compression named Kompressorteknik ML AB as its Authorized Service Partner within Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland.
Cook Compression Authorized Service Partners are certified to provide local compressor valve and packing case repair and reconditioning to end users.
Backed by more than a century of service to the gas compression industry, Cook Compression applies extensive technical expertise to improve reciprocating compressor performance around the globe. Through its Authorized Service Partner program, Cook Compression is expanding access to its services and knowledge and helping to minimize downtime of critical equipment.
Authorized Service Partners also have access to Cook Compression expertise to partner with customers on analysis, upgrades, and additional reciprocating compressor components and services.
Founded in Sweden in 2009, Kompressorteknik ML AB is staffed with highly experienced technicians and sales team, offers a variety of technical support for major brands of reciprocating and rotating equipment. Services include compressor overhaul, repairs, valve service, safety valve service.
“We are proud to partner with Kompressorteknik to provide expert reciprocating compressor service and OEM-quality components within Scandinavia, an area with a high density of reciprocating compressors and customers who demand local service capabilities to support outages and compressor stops. Working with Kompressorteknik will position Cook Compression to best meet those needs,” said Dean Lewis, Cook Compression VP Aftermarket, EMEA. “With our companies’ shared commitment to responsiveness and reliability, our customers can expect the highest levels of service.”