TPS 2019 – Call For Abstracts
October 17, 2018

Do you have machinery knowledge and experience to share?
Consider contributing to the 2019 Turbomachinery or Pump Symposia programs. Your technical know-how is what perpetuates the exchange of ideas that keep the industry advancing.
Abstracts are due Monday, Oct. 22. Click Here to learn more about leading a short course, case study, lecture or tutorial at TPS 2019. TPS 2019 is set for Sept. 10-12, with short courses on Sept. 9.
Pump & Turbo 2019 Publications Calendar
- October 22, 2018: Abstracts Due
- March 27, 2019: Full Manuscripts Due and Short Course titles, authors, outlines due
- June 3, 2019: Final, Monitor-Approved Manuscripts and Author Forms Due
- September 9-12, 2019: 2019 Symposia