PSI Upgrades Two NatGas Engines
June 25, 2020

Power Solutions International (PSI) has released two upgraded versions of its natural gas engines. The high-output engines – a 14.6 L and 21.9 L – are designed for emergency standby applications in the energy industry.
The 14.6 L engine can reach 350 kW at 1800 rpm, which is above the maximum power rating of 300 kW for the standard version of the same engine. The 21.9-liter engine has a maximum power rating of 500 kW at 1800 rpm, above its standard maximum power rating of 450 kW. The standard versions of the 14.6 and 21.9 L engines remain available.
PSI achieved the higher outputs by making several improves to each engine. The company hopes these high-output versions aid the energy industry by allowing customers to replace larger engines for the 350 kW and 500 kW nodes.