Elliott Group releases CO2 compressor/pump
October 04, 2022

Elliott Group has released a new hybrid compressor/pump for high pressure CO2 compression.
This compressor/pump design is equipped to handle any project or equipment related to CO2 compression needs from atmospheric pressure to typical piping pressure of around 2200 PSI and higher for sequestration requirements.
While each package configuration may vary slightly based on the customer’s specific conditions or needs, a typical CO2 Phase compressor package would include the compressor, pump, motor(s), gear, lube system, and buffer or seal system. Configurations are available with a double ISO-cooled compressor with a pump and two motors.
“Elliott’s CO2Phase Hybrid Compressor Pump Solution is proven, ‘ready now’ technology that addresses the CO2 compression market. The technology allows for compression of CO2 from near atmospheric pressure to supercritical pressures followed by efficiently pumping the CO2 to the final required pressure. It is ideal for CO2 pipelines or CO2 sequestration,” said Todd Omatick, Elliott’s new product introduction manager.
Using both compressor and pump technology, this highly efficient CO2 compression system can optimize equipment and minimize operating costs. Elliott Group designs, manufactures, and services technically advanced centrifugal and axial compressors, steam turbines, power recovery expanders, and cryogenic pumps and expanders used in the petrochemical, refining, oil & gas, power and liquefied gas industries.
Elliott Group is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ebara Corporation, a Tokyo-based industrial conglomerate that employs 16,000 people worldwide.